Famous Faces By Jon

Famous Faces By Jon is a partnership of me, Jon and my wife Bev. We sell prints of my original pencil drawings of famous faces.

We also adapt my artwork onto cards, coasters, tshirts, aprons, bags, fridge magnets, notebooks, baseball hats and hanging signs.
I started selling my portraits in my cafe in Deal and realised we could sell up and work full time on the artwork. So the cafe went in 2018 and along with my wife Bev, we began selling my drawings at markets.
We have expanded over the last seven years and have traded at many larger events throughout Kent. Folkestone has always been a successful town for us, especially with its ever expanding artistic vibe. Having a base on the harbour arm gives us a focal point where people know they can now easily find us.

Find Us

Marketplace, CT20 1QQ